UCSD 加州大學聖地牙哥分校
University of California, San Diego; UCSD

環境非常漂亮優美 交通方面公車班次滿多的
教學方式第一天先分級考試 共分五級 我跟Kerry 在最高級 大家程度都滿高的
所以進度也滿快的 內容大都是按照教科書上 不過討論時間滿多的 所以開口機會很多
conversation plus 一天共四小時 分上半段 下半段
幾乎都是會話為主 開口機會真的很多 幾乎講不停 我覺得很好
學校每個週末都有一個景點活動 但是費用不少就是 有錢其實可以玩到不少地方
老師真的很好 很有耐心 也真的可以學到東西
我的宿舍是去年才蓋好 所以是全新的 很舒適
一般10~15人 各國都有 歐洲 亞洲
中國人有兩位 但是都已英文交談為主 不影響
開口機會很多 很推薦
比我想像中好的多 可能因為搬上程度高 自己也不好意思偷懶 哈哈
Oliver Adam, France
Business Essentials
I took the UCSD Extension Business Essentials program right after my bachelor degree graduation in Economics. The program helped me to get good bases in different fields related to business such as accounting, human resources, communication and negociation. Teachers have a good experience in their fields and classes are interactive. Being with students from different parts is also a good way to get a good idea about what business looks like in other countries.
Kelly Park
Business Essentials
As a freshman worker, this course was so beneficial to understand business for me. In every class I not only learned the base of business but I also recognized how the current issues in the world influence the business world through discussion. Also we have the opportunity to work in the U.S workplace. Friendship with other classmates is good experience to understand different cultures. I really recommend this program for those who want to know the base of business and global business.
Kubra Corapci
Comparative Marketing
It was an important decision for me to quit my job and come overseas for studying. I thought about it for a long time, but now I am very happy about deciding to come to UCSD. Since I've started the Comparative Marketing Certificate Program, I had a lot of things to do; assignments, projects, midterms, finals, and more... Every class that I've taken was intensive and I needed to work hard but I liked every minute of the time I've spent here. I had great instructors who are very friendly however they're also disciplined and knowledgeable. All of them had different backgrounds and experiences and I've learned a lot from them. I surely know that this program will help me in my career because instead of just learning what marketing is, I had a chance to compare all marketing techniques being used in different countries. I believe that it's the key differentiator of this program when compared to others.
Felipe Azevedo, Brazil
Business Management Certificate
My main goals were to update my marketing knowledge, to gain international work experience and to recover the money invested in coming to study at UCSD. I was able to achieve all of these goals. After graduation, I applied for OPT and after some job-hunting, I joined the sales force of Konica-Minolta. There I could apply the knowledge I learned in my sales class. It has been a successful work experience and I feel ready to pursue new professional challenges in Brazil.
Stefano Erba, Italy
Comparative Marketing
I definitely recommend this Comparative Marketing Program. The courses focus on practical training, which is essential to achieve a better position in my career. Our class marketing project with AT&T was challenging yet rewarding. The experience to live in a foreign country, to take classes in a foreign language, and be in touch with the best instructors is what makes this program so wonderful. I am fortunate to have had the chance to learn marketing at UCSD, which is one of the best universities in California. I believe this opportunity will open doors for me in the world of business and marketing.
Ben Pang, Singapore
Business Management Certificate
The true highlight of my experience was being able to take classes with people from all over the world. What an amazing experience! In my first two quarters, 99% of the students in my classes were comprised of international students. I studied alongside people from Switzerland, Holland, Italy, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Taiwan,Brazil, France and Spain. Completing group projects, working in teams, studying together and socializing with them was a true multicultural eye-opener. It has given me a greater appreciation for those different from me and a comfort for working with people with very diverse experiences & viewpoints. It has expanded my worldview beyond Asia & the USA, helped me be more culturally sensitive, and made me a better person.
Yvette Engering, Netherlands
Business Management Certificate
Studying at UCSD was my best decision ever! I extended my knowledge about marketing, PR and advertising, and I met many incredible international students with all different backgrounds and cultures. My internship at the San Diego Union Tribune was great. I learned about community relations, working in a large company and I got the opportunity to work at the Buick Invitational!
Kaori Yokoyama, Japan
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
It has been a fruitful experience in the TEFL Program at UCSD, one of the most prestigious universities in the nation. I have been inspired to pursue my academic goals studying alongside so many diligent students. I also was able to join recreation classes and university events that allowed me to interact with students and people from the local community.
Eli Grozdanov, Bulgaria
Intensive Legal English
My goals were to improve my style of writing and to acquire the latest styles of drafting legal documents. Actually reading and writing legal papers, as used in real life by lawyers in the U.S., was an excellent practical experience. I can confidently state that the program exceeded my expectations.
Nils Nilsen, Norway
University and Professional Studies
In the University and Professional Studies Program, I was able to fulfill class requirements for my Master's of Science program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. In addition, I had great opportunities for research and experience in UCSD's laboratories.
Iryna Zinchenko, Ukraine
My ELI instructor really helped me prepare myself for an academic career in the US. The ELI gave me the foundation skills that I needed to enter an undergraduate program, and I received my BFA in Media Arts from UCSD in 2004.
Naftali Oroz Galaviz, Mexico
I came to San Diego to improve my English listening and speaking skills. In the English Language Institute at UCSD I improved very quickly. UCSD has the tools to teach students from all over the world.
Rosa Isabel Pe–a Sastre, Spain
I greatly appreciated the practical approach taken by teachers as opposed to the theoretical approach often found in universities. It gave me a broader view of the business and legal aspects of world commerce, as well as enabled me to see the U.S. point of view. In addition, the professional visits were appropriate and well organized.
Viviane Mendes - Brazil
I started in Business English, went to the Business Management Certificate Program and continued in New Business Development. My most valuable experience was my internship at MP3.com where I was able to learn a lot about the Internet market in the US. I loved it!
Hyunhee Kim, Korea
At first I was afraid of attending class with native English speakers, but they helped me a lot. Now I am very comfortable in an American university, and can contribute much to the discussion.
Minoru Tamura, Japan
In addition to excellent English courses, UCSD offers the University & Professional Studies program with a supportive environment. This allowed me to take university courses relating to my field of interest, while continuing to improve my language skills. Now I feel better prepared to continue my graduate studies in oceanography in the U.S.
Elettra Menarini, Italy
My goal was to get a Certificate in Intellectual Property Law through the University and Professional Studies Program. I am now doing an internship in a law firm downtown called Procopio. After this work experience I will go back to Italy to work for an international law firm. This experience has helped me a lot!
Andre Basbaum, Brazil
The pre-MBA Program was a key factor for my career success. What I learned in class gave me the self-confidence to face the challenges of the American workplace. Today I'm working in San Diego for one of the top 100 companies in the world.
Fabricio Miranda, Brazil
UCSD has incredible professors who are not only good teachers, but also experienced professionals. This way, we learn from people who really know what they are saying, both in theory and in practice.
Sogol Shakibi, Iranian-French
My English has improved a lot because the teachers encourage the use and practice of English in the classroom and outside the classroom. I am happy with my experience here because the teachers are very friendly and supportive, and I have made many international friends!
SOGOL SHAKIBI, Iranian-French
My English has improved a lot because the teachers encourage the use and practice of English in the classroom and outside the classroom. I am happy with my experience here because the teachers are very friendly and supportive, and I have made many international friends!